August Fitness Update

I accomplished my goal of losing 5 pounds during the month of July. I began the month weighing 163 and I now weigh between 157-158, the scale can't decide which one it will be. Although I must say that I really wasn't consistent with working out this month. Most of the weight loss was attributed to the reduction of carbs in my diet. It has helped a lot that I have cut down on juice, sweets, and starches. I have been doing Jillian Michael's 30 day Shred which has three levels. I am still on level 1, however as I have been losing weight, I am able to do all the fitness routines as they should be done, therefore getting a much better workout. When I began this program it was really hard for me to lift my 170 pound body to do any jumping exercise, but now I can jump without any strain or pain. By continuously workout and eating well, I hope to lose up to 10 pounds this month. It is really rewarding and satisfying when you see results and know that you are closer and closer...