Let the project begin

What does being a mom mean to you? For me, being a mom means the world, but sometimes I feel like I lose myself in it. I decided to begin a mommy project as a journey of self discovery. It's about discovering talents that I did not know I had. It's about trying new things. About doing things I never had that chance to do. Things that I love and even those that I don't care for, but know that I desperately need.
After becoming a mom, I felt that I had giving up so much to stay home with my children, even though it was a decision I felt strongly about. It's been five years and I've realized that instead of dwelling on the negatives or the what ifs, I need to accept my life just as it is. This is another chapter of my life and it's up to me to discover what's in store.
This is a project of becoming a new and better me.
Karen, this is a great blog! You and I have so much in common. I share a lot of the same feelings about being a stay at home mom...it's not a choice that I regret but I guess how I use my time and talents (or a lack thereof) is what I regret. When I see how you interact with your children I can see what a great mom you are. Please keep updating this blog...I am sure a lot of mom's (especially, stay at home mom's) can relate.