The Road to a Lighter, Leaner Me

Fitness. The mere thought of the word makes me tired. Unless you are a fitness buff, odds are you don't enjoy working out. Remember that thing I said I didn't want to do but desperately needed? Yeah, it's called working out. I'm not big on New Year Resolutions, but I was determined this year to begin an exercise program. I'm tired of being over weight and feeling uncomfortable in everything I wear. With that being said, I was headed towards the end of January without an ounce of motavation to exercise. It's so easy to find an excuse to not start, but this week my 5 year old son told me we had to exercise. He thinks exercising is fun, well only because he jumps around, takes a water break, comes back, then takes a bathroom break, and then comes back again.
On Tuesday, I began Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred. It is tough, let me tell you, it's a 20 minute routine that has you working every muscle in your body. It's hard to get an out of shape body to move the way it should, but as the days go by it gets progressively easier. In my early 20's I weighed 125 pounds, today, post marriage and two children later I weigh 168 pounds. My goal is to lose 38 pounds by July. I will be checking my progress on a weekly basis until I achieve my desired weight. I will be working out 4 days a week, which means that if I stick to Jillian's workouts by week 8, I should have lost 20 pounds.
I'm on the road to a lighter, leaner me.
Good luck Karen!