Cooking is an Art

Last summer I decided to get some gourmet recipes and indulge in a week of fine gourmet foods. One of the meals I prepared was a French cuisine complete with appetizers, flavorful main course, and dessert. It took me a good three hours to make and in just 20 minutes it was gone. But like I said, part of the fun for me is the preparation of the meal. Another major and important part of cooking is the presentation. It's important that the food not only taste good but look good. One day I made my mother in law's Coconut Bread Pudding (very yummy by the way), I had set it to cool to later cut into perfect serving size squares. When my husband arrive, he saw the bread pudding and grabbed a butter knife and cut a hole smack dab in the middle, I got so mad at him. I explained that while to him it was just bread pudding, to me it was like art waiting to be displayed.
Just as an artist takes a blank canvas and through hard work creates a masterpiece, likewise food is just a bunch of ingredients which undergo preparation and the finished product is a masterpiece ready for your pallet to enjoy. When done right, cooking is truly an art.
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