Fitness update

How do you feel when you wake up every morning? I think it's essential to feel good about yourself, especially when you are a stay at home mom. If you are anything like me, you may spend the day in your pj's or some comfortable unflattering house clothes that you wouldn't mind getting dirty. My guess is that most of you aren't like the Desperate Housewives who always look stylish and polished. I do take some time to make myself look nice by doing my hair, giving myself a manicure, etc.
I was thinking today about the fitness challenge I began last year. I haven't written anything about it in a while. It's amazing how things can change from one year to another. Yesterday was Valentine's Day, this time last year I weighed 172 pounds. I distinctly remember because my husband and I were going to a banquet at the Chattanooga Aquarium. I got the brilliant idea to wear a dress, that I fit into very nicely at 150 pounds, so needless to say it really didn't fit me nor did it flatter me at all. I felt horrible all night about myself and in turn made the night miserable for my husband, who was trying to do something special for me on Valentine's Day.
A year later, I have lost 28 pounds, 5 inches on my waist, and have gone down two dress sizes. I still have 4 pounds more to go to reach my goal. I can't believe what a difference 28 pounds makes. It is such a reward to finally see the results of my hard work . Remember, all I did was exercise 5 days a week and cut down on my consumption of carbs, 100-150g a day. On a side note, it hasn't taken me a whole year to lose 28 pounds. The bulk of my weight was lost between the months of July 2010 and January 2011, by cutting carbs out of my diet. I did take sometime off from working out, because of the holidays, but I still stuck to counting my carb intake.
I finally feel good about my body, it could use some toning, but overall I'm very pleased with the results. I fit nicely into my clothes and best of all I lost my belly and I don't look pregnant anymore. I had to make a choice and be persistent to get where I wanted to be.
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