Praying moms

A group of stay at home mom from our church just recently began getting together for a small group bible study. We are reading The Power of the Praying Parent, by Stormie Omartian. Our praying moms group gets together every Thursday morning to fellowship, discuss the book, and the power of prayer. Through this book we are learning to understanding the true meaning of prayer. We have experienced first hand the power of prayer. In my case it hasn't been the immediate answer to having a big problem, but instead the little things like peace and patience.
The book is teaching us to pray for every aspect of our children's lives no matter what age. I have learned not only to pray for my children but also to pray for myself to be a good mom, the mom that God wants me to be. One example of the power of prayer that I have seen is that of my change in attitude. I decided every morning to entrust my daily attitude to God. I didn't want to yell or lash out at my kids, so I asked God to help me handle situations better.
Through prayer I am learning to speak in a kinder tone of voice and if I find myself getting heated I take a time out and pray. Even when one of the boys may be having a bit of an attitude themselves we talk about it, pray and ask God to help us feel better and change our heart. I can personally say that is all it takes. You first need to acknowledge wrongdoing and then ask God to help you change. Prayer has made a difference and in the last two months I have seen changes in me that I never thought could happen. I pray that God will take care of my children, but I also pray that God can make me the great mom he wants me to be for them.
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