Sharing the Joy

Challenge Day: 32
Karen was at a seminar, when a man approached her and asked if she was Karen O'Connor. She said yes, and the man proceeded to tell her that he had read her article, in Reader's Digest, and had not liked it. Karen began to feel bad and second guess her article, but then realized that she believed in what she had written and she was not going to allow anyone to take away her joy. The article was about always making the effort to share with other's life moments whether joyous or solemn. She kindly apologized and said she needed to return to the seminar. As she began to walk away, the man said, "don't you want to hear the rest of the story?" She didn't really want to hear anymore and kept walking. He then shouted, "it worked!" Karen stopped and turned around, he told her that though he didn't like the article he mulled over the words and then realized she was right. He decided to attend a family reunion that he had been invited to year after year and kept saying no. He said it was the best experience, getting to see his family and meet new members, he had never felt so happy in his life.
Let us not became weary in going good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially those who belong to the family of believers.
Galatians 6:9-10
I think the little moments in life bring the most joy. Just being there for someone or sharing in their excitement is joyful. I have seen the joy it brings to my husband when I chose to take interest in the things he likes. When my husband an I have gone through our lows in our marriage, I found joy when he has assured me that we would get through it together. As a mom, I have experienced joy in my kids and sharing in the things they like. Something as simple as being involved in their lives and taking a part of their interests, brings a smile to their faces and let's them know you care. The day I went with my oldest son on his school ski trip will be one of those joyful experience I will never forget. He was so excited to be there learning to ski and was having so much fun. When it was time to go, he turned to me an said, "thanks for letting me come mom, I had so much fun!" I wrote about this experience in a previous post, and mentioned how I didn't ski, but it was the best ski trip ever, because my son was joyous at the opportunity he had and I was able to be part of it. Karen O'Connor was right when she wrote in her article, the Best Gift We Can Give, "we owe it to other people to participate in the joyous and solemn occasions of their lives."
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