Mourning into Joy

Challenge Day: 34
The author tells of when her father was in his last hours of life. As she stood there watching her father dying, she wanted to be there but at the same she didn't. Then she thought of Philippians 3:14 and realized that though it was very sad to see her father dying, he was finishing his race here on earth. When she was told that her father was gone she said, "He made it! I wanted to shout Hallelujah!, he has crossed the finish line, and now he was in full possession of the prize for which had run so long and hard. Though I miss my father very much, I have great peace knowing that he is safe and at rest in the Lord he loved and served all his life. Praise the God that turns mourning into joy!"
I'm not going to write much on this chapter because I have never had to go through that experience. The closest that I come to the loss of a loved one was the death of my mother in law. She passed away in 2009, at young age, from cancer. I can't imagine nor understand the loss that my husband and sister in law felt. Only they now what it's like to mourn the lose of parent. Or in the case of her parents, what it's like to lose a child. The one thing I will say is that my mother in law is resting in the Lord. And like the author said, she ran her race and though it was a short one, she is in full possession of her prize. Though we mourn her loss we can have joy in knowing that we will see her again one day when death will be no more.
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