At the cross, where I first saw the light

Easter, what does this day mean to you? While most people are giving and receiving baskets filled with candy from the Easter bunny, that isn't why we celebrate this holiday. It's not about the candy, or the bunny, it's about the Son of God who came to our sinful world, became flesh, suffered, and died for our sins, so that through His death we would have life. Have you ever sat back and thought about it on a personal level?
Whether you are religious or not, whether you believe in Him or not, the reality is that He died for you and me! Jesus endured the most painful experience a person can endure and just because he was the Son of God didn't make the pain any less. He died for those that condemned Him and crucified Him, because He loved them all. I have recently begun to really understand the sacrifice, pain, rejection and humiliation he endured for us. He was beat, abused, spit on, criticized, humiliated, all for me. What does Jesus death mean for you?
But He was pierced for our transgression, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon Him, and by His wounds we are healed.
Isaiah 53:5
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