For He knows the plans

It's a rainy Monday and my son is off from school today because of parent-teacher conferences, so it's nice. Over all I had a good weekend, great church service and sermon, spent time with friends, and hanging out with my boys. It was much warmer than it should be for this time of year, but it's beautiful outside. The grass is green, the trees are budding, and the array of flowers that have bloomed in my neighborhood are stunning. Although my favorite season is Fall, I am going to miss the change that Spring brings. One day everything is gray and bare and the next all of creation is glowing with colorful beauty. I've learned to appreciate God's beauty more here in Louisville with the change of seasons.
I was listening to K-Love today, the DJ was talking about the headlines in the news, from news stations to newspapers to magazine and online, the headlines are of bad things going on all around all over the world. He said that though the world is dark we can count of the having light in our lives through God. Bad things may be all around us and the enemy trying to weigh us down with personal issues, but we can over come it all by going to God. Bottom line, our only hope is in the Lord. This past week was not a good one for me. I get depressed when I get back from Florida because it's hard to come back to the way we've been living, apart and under stressful situations. I was feeling like this isn't going to ever end. It's been 5 months of living apart from my husband and it's time to reunite our family.
But this weekend I felt hope once again and know that the Lord will work His will on our lives. He promises in Jeremiah 29:11, For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. It so hared for us to trust and wait in the Lord. Because of our sinful nature we are inpatient and want to take control of our lives when things aren't moving at our speed. I would have loved nothing more than for our house to have sold the very first day so that we could have moved to Florida together in November, but that wasn't God's plan for us. Why, I don't know, but I trust God with His plans for our family. It's been a lot longer than I ever thought that we would be apart, but there's a reason and when we place our trust in Him, He will do everything in His time.
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