Graduation Day

Challenge Day: 59
I am so grateful and blessed that he was able to attend LAA. As the time approached for him to begin school, I struggled with the decision of where to send him. I wanted him to be person and not just a number in a classroom. It's funny how what at one time was not an option turned out to be the right fit. We made the decision to place my son in a private school after God impressed on my heart that we should give this school a chance. And it turned out that that school was the right place my son needed to be.
I attended public school my entire life and I don't have anything against public education, but now that I have children of my own, I feel the importance of giving my kids a good and Godly education. I know that for my kids I want something more than what I had. I've watched my son grow, learn, and become part of something special this year. At first I wasn't so keen that LAA was a small school, but that was exactly what I ended up loving about it. There were about 72 students this year and every single student knew one another. The staff personally knew the students even if they weren't in their class. In the afternoons when I picked my son up from school, I watched kids from kinder to 12th grade interact with him.
I wish nothing more than for my son to be able to continue his education at LAA. As this chapter of our lives closes, I pray that God will guide us to the best school for our son down in Florida. After listening to an inspiring story of faith this week, I learned that Gods plan is perfect. And though it's difficult for me to see His plan right now, I have faith in Him, because He wants the best for us. He wants only the best for my son.
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