The sun sets on another day

Challenge Day: 60
Today was a long day, a very long day. My plans, as usual, were quite different that what actually happened. We were staying with our friends, since our house was empty, and we were going to get up and have breakfast, hang out, and say our goodbyes. Then we were going back to the house, pick up our belongings and close the door one last time. That afternoon we were to be on our way down to Nashville to a friends birthday party and then on to Chattanooga to my aunts.
This is what actually happened. My husband I got up at 9am, got breakfast on the way, headed home to clean and patch up anything that was visible. What we thought was going to take us 2-3 hours turned into an all day project. On top of everything, my boys who were at my friends house got sick, well one of them did. I got a call from my friend saying that my oldest had a fever, then not too long after, she called again saying he now had pink eye. So, what I thought was going to be a somber day for me turned out so hectic and stressful that when we finally got in the car to leave town for good, I was too exhausted to look back and cry.
Six in a half years ago we arrived in Louisville and now sadly we leave back to were we came from. And 5 1/2 years ago we bought our first home, today it sits empty again just as it did the day we first saw it.
Ironically, today was my last day in Louisville and it was also the last day of my 60 day writing challenge. I initially wanted to write for 60 straight days. But I quickly realized that it was harder than I had anticipated. I didn't just want to write stuff to fulfill my writing challenge, I wanted to write about things that were important and significant, things worth publishing.
So today the sun sets on this chapter of my life and new one begins. To be honest it's one chapter I do not wish to begin. I was happily engrossed in my current chapter. But you know what they say, "the only thing that stays the same is that everything changes." Here's to this new chapter and what it may bring.
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