I am, a writer!

I've sat many morning on my computer writing my blogs and thinking, "I wish I was a writer." A few days ago I was reading a family member's blog and I thought wow Nina is a really good writer. She just recently created a new website and under her description she has actress and writer. I thought to myself wait a minute Nina is right, she is a writer, she has her blog and so do I, so that makes me a writer too. During my college years I wrote for my college newspaper, which was a publication, created press releases and freelanced a couple of articles for leisure magazines in Orlando. One of the reasons I began this blog was because my pastor back in Louisville suggested that if I wanted to write I should publish my work through a blog. And that is how this writing project began. I struggle, though, with the feeling of how our identities and the way people perceive us are shaped by what we do in life. I love to write and hope to one day do it for a living, but right ...