Expecting the unexpected

I t's those little surprises in life that take us for a tailspin. Two weeks ago I found out that we are expecting baby number three. I am unexpectedly expecting. It was a shock, I won't lie. I thought I was done having kids. I was mentally getting ready to go back to work. My oldest is in school and my youngest is starting Kinder this coming year. Now in 8 months I am going back to diaper duty and sleepless nights, I am so not looking forward to that again. I hadn't been feeling to well since the beginning of October and though pregnancy symptoms kept creeping up I didn't think that's what it was, we weren't trying, so I was sure it had to be something else. I thought I was sick, like really sick. Then I decided to take a pregnancy test to rule that out before I proceeded to make a call to the doctor about my illness. Well no call was needed, the stick said PREGNANT, in all caps just like that. I know that a child is a blessing and he or she is coming into o...