It's a BOY!

A week ago today we found out that our 3rd child is once again going to be a boy. When I finally started accepting that I was pregnant I began thinking for sure it was going to be a girl. I originally had always wanted 3 boys, but for some reason this time I was wanting a girl. I can honestly say that I am a boys mom, I am better around boys than girls. I have a father, two brothers, a husband, and two sons, so I'm pretty well oriented when it comes to the male species. With my prior two pregnancies I was sure in my mind and heart that I was having boys, yet this time I was convinced that I was going to have a daughter. I'm not going to lie, the day of the ultrasound was quite disappointing to me. I know, it's horrible to feel like that because you have a living being, a gift from God, growing inside of you and I shouldn't be feeling disappointed about the gender of my baby. But I was, and I felt awful, but I really wanted a girl. I thought it would be nice...