Last week, on Valentine's Day, I posted a picture of cupcakes I had made for my husband. I want to share this simple and delicious recipe with you. What you don't know is that those are non-dairy cupcakes with a non dairy chocolate ganache. A few years back, my cousin and his wife told told us they had become vegan because his wife suffered from very bad allergies, to the point that she was unable to breath at night. They found out that cutting dairy would help with the allergies, because dairy suppresses the ability to fight allergies. My husband, who's allergies we just as bad and was on daily medication, decided to try it. So we cut dairy out of diet, and though it was difficult for him, because he loves, and when I mean loves I mean he is practically a cheese connoisseur, his allergies got better. They went away. For years he took a daily pill to be able to function properly and now he was able to go about his life without medication. It's true what...